Meet Topo’s Youngest Ambassador

Our youngest Topo ambassador, Chase Visser, is a competitive youth triathlete navigating the race circuit while juggling the academic rigors that come with being a high school senior (remember those days of AP classes, college applications and SATs?). During his budding career, Chase has already raced for Team USA at the Rotterdam Tri / 2017… [view more]

How to Find Your Individualized Running Plan

Find your best running program

“We are each an experiment of one,” George Sheehan famously wrote regarding the need to individualize our running. While oft-quoted, Sheehan’s maxim is, however, too rarely applied. A quick google search reveals a wealth of research proving the maxim’s truth. A 2009 Swedish study on aerobic capacity, for example, found “substantial interindividual variability in training-induced… [view more]

Take to the Trail for a Natural Stride

Trail Running

You probably already know that getting off the road is good for your running health. Usually this is attributed to the softer surface creating less impact. More important, however, is that the trail is uneven, requiring you to change your stride with every step. That variability will not only spread stress across different structures in… [view more]